Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Tuesday Vera Happy

Hi Beauties,

I have now reached a place where I just hope to inspire and encourage literally.
There are tons of books on the market sharing how to go natural, stay natural, why natural, why-not natural. Now there's going to be a film made on the Novel 'Nappily Ever After'.
When I began this blog my intent was to help women who are transitioning from Chemicals to Naturals. Now I see it is to help women heal, their broken hearts from society's standards of what we've often called 'good' hair. We have to begin to embrace what GOD placed inside of US.
There's so much good there, right there, right here inside of US, that we bypass looking for outside sources. We just need the peace of God the surpasses all understanding to just really
dwell inside. I guess my word today is, sometimes we all need a little Aloe Vera juice- it may be bitter in taste at times but it is very good for the body- high in vitamins and repairs you stomach walls too. Desire the healing that it yields and you'll have a Vera good Tuesday too!

Remember, Whatever the length..........love your hair.
