Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Tuesday's Hair Therapy

Hello My Beauties,

I know, it's Tuesday, but you've got to hang in there with me.
Now, today's therapy is about just that,"Hangin' in there".
Inside of yourself you have just got to say over and over again,
'Perseverance is the key'!!!!
See, so many times we throw in the towel whether it's with our hair
or a circumstance and we just think that 'it' is too hard.
But, let me say to you no it's not to hard you have to readjust your thinking.
This is not easy, growing your hair natural and for those of you who've gone through the
process and are already natural, it is not simple to maintain. It's a choice. It's a stand up
and be determined choice. So many times we pray and ask for clarity or focus and God's
desire for us is to maintain our focus. He knows your hearts desire. Now, many women
who are growing natural experience so many different reactions from a culture that
says so many contrasting things anyway. So, if you know that the best thing for your
skin, scalp, follicle and hair is to be natural- devoid of chemicals and that process;
then have no fear - just do it. Take small steps if you have to, but, just do it.
Stand back and watch another new level of your confidence kick in.

As always Stay Beautiful.

.....whatever the length.....love your hair.

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